Dear Konnor- I Hate You.

Notes: All names in my writing have been changed to ensure privacy and safety, including my own. The experiences are real.

Trigger warning: This post shares experiences of emotional, psychological, and financial abuse.

Dear Konnor,

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate the way you have made me doubt myself. I hate that you make me feel like I am going crazy. I hate that you use our son and my past trauma to inflict pain on me all because you are too much of a fucking coward to look at yourself. I hate that you text me when you have Oliver just because you know I won’t ignore my phone. I hate that you threaten to take him from me if I gray rock you too long. I hate that I doubt my own thoughts and choices all of the fucking time. I hate that I am constantly draggin myself out of financial ruin because I paid for every fucking thing for you. I hate that you get time with Andy period. He deserves better than you. I hate that your sister sticks up for you because she sees good inside of you partly because I used to do that too. Is there good inside of you? I hate that it is harder for me to see the good in the world after you. I hate that I don’t trust people anymore. I hate that I have to get help from my parents because I have no money while they should be enjoying retirement. I hate that they worry about me. I hate that I cry so much.

Even though I hate you, I don’t hate that you entered my life because of the amazing boy we have. I’m so unbelievably grateful for him. I am grateful that my family loves me enough to help despite how many times I have fucked up. I am grateful I have a wonderful therapist and support group  who are teaching me how to heal and how to grow…and more importantly how not to become prey to more people like you. I am grateful for my friends who continually read your messages and reassure me that I am not the crazy one and who keep me distracted any time Olive is with you. I am grateful that I get more quality time with my kids because I am not so fuckign worried about you and your moods. I am grateful I am not cleaning and taking care of a grown ass man who can’t take care of himself. I am grateful that I am okay to be alone. I am grateful that my relationship with God and the universe has strengthened. 

May you have the life you deserve,


The Ending

Notes: All names in my writing have been changed to ensure privacy and safety, including my own. The experiences are real.

Trigger warning: This post shares experiences of emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. It also makes a short reference to suicidal ideation.

I am starting at the end. It is not the end of my experiences with my abuser, but the end of that story…the one of being a victim.

I am starting with the day I ended my relationship with Connor. I was tired. I was tired of taking care of all of the house responsibilities. I was tired of being financially drained. I was tired of feeling used sexually. I was tired of feeling like a single parent in a house where there were two. I was tired of being his emotional punching bag any time I asked for a little more help or tried to explain my feelings. He had threatened to leave so many times at this point…and I was hoping he would just finally do it.

It wasn’t an easy decision for me to be the one to actually leave and the days before served as a buildup to the climactic moment when I said “I’m done.” Connor had stopped taking his antidepressants suddenly six weeks prior. He seemed to be adjusting fine, but his behavior became more erratic when I was gone for a business trip. He claimed our son, Simon, didn’t fall asleep until 5 am one morning and also texted me that our air conditioner was on even though the temperatures were close to the negatives that day. I was ready to be home.

On the day I got home, I picked up Simon and my two older children from my previous marriage. We were all playing on the floor when Connor came home from work. He immediately sat on the floor with us and kept putting his hands in the middle of our play and trying to get Simon’s attention. I was annoyed but backed off so he could play with him. Simon wanted me, however, simply because I had been gone. I could tell this upset Connor.

The next day, Connor pouted and slept for the majority of the morning and afternoon. I kept the kids busy, had a playdate, and just continued like normal. This was not unusual for Connor. He went through periods like this. The next day followed with the same behavior. The kids were getting stir crazy so we all loaded up and went for a drive. Five minutes in, Connor called me and told me to bring Simon back and he could nap with him. I explained that he was the first one to bring me his shoes and he wanted to go. He texted me 20 minutes later and told me he was packing some things to take to his aunts when I got back and was taking Simon with him. I instantly got a sinking feeling in my stomach. He had nothing to pack that he wasn’t using. It felt like a power move…a threat.

When we got home, the weatherman said that ice was moving in soon. I told Connor that if he was taking Simon to his aunts, we needed to leave soon. I would go to help. He said he hadn’t packed anything yet so he would wait. I felt like I could breathe a little bit. That night, the winter storm hit.

With the roads like an ice skating rink, we were stuck at home. School was canceled and Connor’s work was closed. I work from home, so I continued my day, happy to be away from him in my room but on edge from the fact he was home at all. We had some bills due soon and he was supposed to get paid that day. I texted him from the room and he said that they delayed it. He was working full-time now so I also asked if he would be able to pitch in just a bit more to our home finances. I paid for the majority and had been considering getting a second job on top of my full-time one because we were barely making it. He immediately started berating me as was usual. I started to cry and I couldn’t stop.

My older kids saw me crying and I never told them exactly why. I just told them I was overwhelmed. They spent the rest of the morning trying to cheer me up, which was NOT their job. I tried my best to suck it up and did for the most part. Then, God and the universe intervened and we lost electricity. I needed it to work, so I told Connor I was taking the kids to my parents with me. They didn’t need to sit in the cold house anyway. In reality, I needed to be away from him in order to function for the rest of the day.

In the rush to get out the door, my oldest son slipped on the ice and busted his face on the driveway. It was chaos…blood everywhere from what I feared was a broken nose. We were heading to urgent care now. Then, it hit me. The copay was going to take the rest of the money I had from my account. That is how low we were. I didn’t have any money left on my credit card either because I covered all the times Connor didn’t work. All I could think about were his words. That was my moment.

I texted him those exact words…I’m done. He didn’t get it at first. He told me he would give me money when he got paid. This never happened. He gave me the bare minimum every time. I told him, “No, I’m done with all of it…with us.” He told me to bring Ben back because he was off work and should spend the day with him. After his power move the day before, I knew he would take him. I told him that I was already on my way to my parents and I was going to keep him so I could spend time with him since I had worked all morning. He could see him the next day and we would work out a schedule after that.

Then, he lost it. The next texts were filled with how awful I was as a person. He told me he was going to take Ben from me permanently. I had never threatened that to him and asked why he would take his son from his mom and he told me that I did it. It was my fault. Between the hate-filled rants, he would tell me never to talk to him again and then ask me a question. I would answer and he would tell me that he told me never to talk to him. I relayed all of these messages to his sister. I told her he stopped taking his meds and knew he was going to his aunts. Then, I blocked him.

I stayed with my parents that night and I kept it together around my kids the best that I could. My son, thankfully, did not break his nose. It was their day to return to their dad’s house, so I dropped them off like normal after he was cleared from the doctor. They had no idea I had just left. That would come later.

The days and weeks that followed were filled with confusion, post-separation abuse, intense feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and fear. I thought I was the bad one…for leaving, for not leaving early enough, for ever falling for him in the first place. While I never contemplated unaliving myself, I definitely had moments when I felt this world was better off without me.

I am not in this deep and dark place anymore, but it took work to get out of it. I am still early in my healing journey. I’ve only been out of the relationship for 3 months. This is the ending of my relationship story but it is only the start of my new one. I will be sharing both.

My Story

I should be doing my taxes right now. Instead, I’m starting a blog. Let’s call it my therapy, my journal, my rambling of thoughts, my processing of trauma. It will contain many mistakes and likely give you many reasons to judge me, but it is real and I hope maybe will reach someone who can relate to it…who can feel less alone because of it. That is what I struggle with, the alone part. 

I recently left an emotionally abusive relationship. One would say that my ex-partner was a narcissist. However, society throws that word around like candy in a parade. I did once, too. Then, I met, started a relationship, and had a baby with one. Being affected by a real narcissist is something I hope you never have to experience. It destroys you.

The reality is that this is my therapy, but only part of it. I see a real trauma-informed therapist, am part of a toxic relationship survivor support group, and do a lot of work to outside of both of those just to help myself heal. This amount of support to heal came from being in a 3 year relationship…all that damage in such a small amount of time. Some survivors stayed with their abuser for so much longer. 

One thing I have found is that stories from other survivors bring me the most comfort. They get it. Healing from this type of abuse can be so isolating and those stories help me feel like I’m not alone. I feel like those people are there to sit with me in it…and I want to be there to sit with others as well.

This will be my story.